What you need to know and consider when choosing the right
barcode/label printer.

Buying and operating a barcode label printer can be
expensive and time consuming for a company, particularly for the person who are
first time invest in barcode printer. Where are lots of decisions to make all
at once, but the most important one is to start off with the project and
continuous run the project. The AIDC market has some very good honest dealers
who are not only selling the printer but also support after sell and some who
are just trade the printer without after sales service.
It’s easy to buy the wrong thing, but very difficult to sort
out later. You can’t get your money back
from someone who has disappeared and your printer may become "White
Elephant", who will sit down in your office and taking up the rental space
from you. Always remember, no barcode manufacturer makes just only one model in
their factory. Make sure you select the
correct configuration and correct part number, just a single digit different in
the part number may cost the price huge different after the currency
conversation. Below is the specification for you to take note on buying barcode
label printer.
Printing Volume vs speed
vs label size
Mobile printer is only recommended for small volume printing
and label size smaller than the 30mm in height with volume not more than
Desktop printer is recommended to the label size
which is smaller than 30mm in height and printing volume at below 5000pcs/day. You
may need to prepare for 1 whole day time for printing up to 5000 pcs label
include the label and ribbon changing time.
Industrial grade printer is recommended to the any
label size and any printing volume. Comparatively high speed to Desktop printer
and bigger label take up roll allow high speed printing and lower label
changing frequency.
To be continuous…