What question to know from your customer when you try to propose Honeywell CK75 Mobile computer?

Honeywell CK75 is delicated device use for warehouse application, to make sure your warehouse smooth running with your ERP solution, Ck75 equiped with today latest communication infrastructure. Below is the quoestion to know before you should propose CK75 for your customer.

What applications are you using CK75 for?
Do the operators carry the CK75 all day?
Where are they placed the CK75 when not in use?
What is your environment like for CK75? Extremely harsh? Wet? Do you have Cold Storage location?
What is your Operating System roadmap android and window? Do you plan to stay with WEH6.5, android or transition to something else?
What is your application strategy? How long do you plan to stay with your current WMS on Ck75? Are you running TE or Browser or something else?
What are your scanning requirements? Short or long Distances?
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