Do you know what you can do and what are the immediate benefits of digital transformation for electrical and electronics industry?
Digital transformation in Malaysia is what all SME and SMI should move into, the main sector should already in the digital arene should be the electrical and electronics industry. However, many local startup Malaysia brand electrical and electronics may not fully be digitalized especially in their office operation as well as production operation.
Now let ALC-TECH (M) SDN BHD offer you an easier to implement solution to help your company to perform or enhance your existing digital transformation according to the company department. Let zoom the action base on department individually.
 Human Resource Department
1. Biometric Attendance Tracking
2. Staff ID cards roduced for production and recognition purposes.
3. Staff Entry tools loan and return tracking.
4. Staff training tracking and reporting
5. Staff daily memo activities sharing
6. Staff driving company vehicle records.
 Security Department
1. Guard patrolling recording system
2. Location feedback portal
3. Visitor tracking solution
4. Facility booking system
5. Building Key Management
 Production Department
1. Core component labeling solution
2. Individual station data capturing
3. Supplier data capturing
4. Weigh and temperature data capturing
5. Product labeling printing solution
6. 1 object 1 identity
 Quality control Department
1. Core component labeling solution
2. Individual station data capturing and inspection
3. Supplier data capturing and quality control capturing.
4. Product warranty tracking
5. Product genuine tracking
6. Customer feedback portal.
 Warehouse Department
1. Warehouse Management System
2. Inventory Management solution
3. Transportation vehicle tracking
4. Industry container (Totebox) Tracking
 Maintenance Department
1. Tools loan and return solution
2. Preventive maintenance record
3. Problem reporting portal
4. Machine auditing and routine checking
5. Spare Part tracking solution