Say good bye to laser scanner, upgrade your mobile computer to latest scanning technology green linear imager with better reading capability
 Use the latest green linear imager technology from Datalogic to read the 1D barcode on your product. it give you better reading capability and eye friendly reflection. with better performance compare with laser scan engine, Datalogic now totally converted his SkorpioX4 model scanner with laser like 1D linear imager green colour reader. with faster reflection and shorter wavelength and higher frequency. It make datalogic green colour linear imager perform much more better than laser technology in scanning on 1D barcode. The reading perfromance become 10 times better especially on the LCD screen barcode reading. Wait no more now, see datalogic latest SkorpioX4 with green laser like scan engine. try it out for your warehouse inventory control purpose.
Find out more SkorpioX4 listing from below link