Patrol guard tour system is a system used to help management of a company or any organizations to monitor their guards activity and make sure the guard is exercise their duty base on the schedule.
Guard patrolling in the housing estate and industrial zone for the purpose to protect the owner assets. The question may arise after the property owner spend their money and do the guard really exercise their duty especially during late night? ALC have the solution for you where by we offer you the guard tour patrolling recording system. It use for you to track your guard and make sure they are doing their duty.
How to use the guard tour system?
Our guard tour system build with solid metal in cylinder shape, the guard just need to carry along the guard tour scanner together with them during the patrolling exercise. When reach to the designated point, the guard just need to touch the predefined point with the guard tour reader. Loud indicator sound and light will be emitted from the reader to notify the guard the marking is completed. They just need to continuous with their touring to next route define by the estate or building owner.

How to generate the report?
Once the guard back to the guard house, the guard just need to put the reader back to it data transmission point. Click a button on the PC, their activity records will be transmitted back to computer. The reader come with big storage with maximum of 100’000 records, so the data transmission action can be done either by daily, weekly or monthly.

How to read the report?
2 major report need be be know by the user, first is group/patrol rout report and second is Exception / missed check point report.

In the Group / patrol route report, this report will give the summary for the owner the guard supposed to finish 13 point but during 3am mid night tour, he accidentally or purposely skip 2 of the point he support to pass by. And in the exception / missed check point report will tell the owner which point the guard is missed out.