Read small or tiny 2d Datamatrix barcode with the latest Datalogic 2018 matrix 220 series scanner on the conveyor system.

 Datalogic launch it latest 2D unattended barcode scanner matrix 220 with build in 1.2 megapixel resolution image camera. This high resolution sensor in AIDC line today allow user to read upto 2 mils resolution barcode which can be always found on the semiconductor wafer. Enhance with latest multi core image processing platform and hardware acceleration program. It make barcode decoding done in split of second for barcode in the conveyor system. It all in on DPM illuminator system with extra strong DPM reading performance, it make matrix220 properly the fastest unattended scanner in the world today.

Matrix 220 with smart electronic focus control and user selectable 7mm and 12mm lens allow you to have the bigger FOV option base on your application requirement. It optional polarising filter and diffuse illuminator on the same model make the scanner to be better on certain material surface. The build in compact dimensions and rotating connector simplify the installation of the matrix220 into your conveyor and machine.
