Zebra ZT400 series printer part number definition and which Part number is available in Malaysia now?
There are 2 printer model in ZT400 series, ZT410 and ZT420, the ZT410 come with 3 printhead resolution 203dpi, 300 dpi and 600dpi and ZT420 have only 203dpi and 300dpi. The maximum print width for ZT410 is 4.09inch and ZT420 is 6.6inch. Both printers sharing the same internal mechanical components, electrical components and control board. default only Serial, USB, 10/100 Ethernet, Bluetooth 2.1/MFi, USB Host.

ZT410 come with big memory size with standard RAM of 256MB with 4MB user memory available and standard flash 512MB flash memory with 64MB user available.
Zebra ZT400 Series Part Number Definition as below.
Z | T | 4 | X1 | X1A | X2 | X3 | - | X4 | X5 | X6 | X7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Z |
X1 - type of dpi available --> 1 -203dpi, 300dpi and 600dpi, 2 - 203dpi, 300dpi
X1A - Version --> 0 - 1st generation mono LCD, 1 - 2nd generation Colour LCD.
X2 - Printhead width --> 4.09 inch width, 2- 6.6 inch width
X3 - Printhead dpi --> 2 - 203dpi, 3 - 300dpi, 6 - 600dpi
X4 - Printhead type → T - Thermal transfer + Direct Thermal, D- Direct Thermal Only
X5 - Type of Option available → 0- no option, 1 - With Peeler, 2 - Cutter with Tray, 3 - Peel with liner take-up, 4- Peel with Full Rewinder
X6 - Type of power cord bundle →7-taiwan, P-UK/AU/J/EU, 9 → Optional, 1 US, G-India