Comparison between Zebra most popular barcode scanner DS4608 series with unbeatable pricing versus performance result.
Why does Zebra introduce so many models of the DS4608 in the same family? This is due to the camera ability of the scanner by default. The DS4608SR scanner has the bigger depth of field compared with DS4608HD and DS4608XD, due to this reason, the DS4608SR is ideal to be used for scanning bigger size barcodes compared to DS4608HD and DS4608XD. Compared with DS4608HD with DS4608XD, DS4608HD has a bigger depth of field compared with DS4608XD.
Depth of field comparison
DS4608SR > DS4608HD > DS4608XD.
If we compare in terms of small barcode or high density barcode reading, this sequence is reversed due to basic physics concepts. The scanning performance will be best if we use DS4608XD then follow by DS4608HD and DS4608SR.
Scanning performance comparison
DS4608XD > DS4608HD > DS4608SR
.JPG) How to select DS4608 model base on barcode resolution
1 mil to 5 mil barcode use DS4608XD
3mil to 10 mil barcode use DS4608HD
8mil to 20 mil barcode use DS4608SR
 How to select DS4608 model base on printing surface. Small and very bad printed quality barcode barcode use DS4608XD Small and well printed barcode use DS4608HD Big barcode on label and paper material use DS4608SR