Hospital utilities warehouse is a main warehouse connected directly to sub warehouse at individual wards of the hospital. Warehouse manager responsible to make sure the nurses or doctors have sufficient utilities to consume when come to required time. A team is responsible to make sure this item is sufficient and replenish daily to make sure the hospital is giving up to the maximum customer service level.

How Autotrack hospital utilities warehouse solution work?
Every morning before store personnel start to work, flexi hour worker already start their daily work life by visiting the subwarehouse in the hospital by carrying along their Honeywell CN51 mobile computer, basic stock count started from first hospital ward to the last hospital ward of the entire hospital. The collected information will directly updated to Autotrack solution and replenish listing will be printed for the warehouse picker to do picking activity. Once the picking done completely, the ward store replenishment will start and whole complete utilities circus finish before 12am daily.

What benefit bring to Hospital?
With the always up to date utilities management system, all the nurses, doctors and patients feel satisfied with the previously complain issue, the utilities warehouse management is given 5 stars rating in managing their inventory and given the optimum grading and always new item for their user. The statistic also give the warehouse manager the ordering patent for the utilities item for their warehouse.