ALC team offer you our latest laser mark, read and verify solution for printed circuit board (PCB) producer in Malaysia and singapore market. Equipped with latest fiber laser on the fly marker and high speed 2D barcode imager reader able to give you the perfect mark, trace and verify result before the PCB deliver to the customer. Our industry design solution Autotrack Enterprise Work in Progress solution delivers end-to-end solution for direct part marking and reading from automated to manual deployment system. Autotrack select for you the most suitable laser marking and reading head, from the small and compact footprint laser marker to fully cover marking device, Autotrack offer you the highly stable laser marking and ISO compliant solution.
How manual mark and verify works?
For stand alone mark and verify application, staff need to manually hold the mark item, position to the design mold, remove hand from the range and press the smart marking button. After the marking, user need to manually transfer the marked item to verification station for quality inspection. Depend on the mark standard requirement, vision or ID reader will be selected based on customer demand.
How Automated mark and verify work?
For Automated mark and verify solution, the whole process is much more simple for the operator to handle it. The operator just need to make sure there is no stop or warning light from the tower light indicator, whole day marking and verification process is always in green colour condition, Autotrack will handle the whole process flow and deliver the result to the back end system for verification approval.
Who should get this solution?
This marking and verifying solution design specifically for PCB board maker and SMT manufacturer. The same solution can be redesign for other part of electronic component to be used for manufacturer electric appliances. For plastic component marking and verifying, refer to Laser Marking for plastic and glass material.