Barcode Code 39 with space in between the barcode, separated 1 barcode to become 2 barcode and merge 2 barcode to become 1 barcode result
Symbology code 39 is one of the very interesting barcode symblogy due to it form by 5 bar and 4 space. Code 39 is easy to implement because, unlike most other types of barcodes, it does not require calculation of a checksum so no function calls are required. Code 39 can be read by virtually every scanner anywhere in the world, and is useful for a wide variety of applications. The character set includes the upper case alphabet (A - Z), digits 0 - 9, and several commonly-used symbols.
Just because of this characteristic, most of the computer able to have code 39 as one of the font in the font type (like Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma and etc). just because of it ability limited by alphanumeric only exclude special character, one the content have special character, the barcode font will display empty. Refer to below sample barcode, the original text can be "AER@900" but the barcode may only carry "AER 900".
to read this special barcode, you need to either use Argox AS8120 wired scanner or AS8520 wireless scanner.