What you need to know about memory type and memory size for UHF RFID chip.

In UHF RFID chip memory, data store in binary format which is 0 and 1 inside the memory. To know about the memory size of the UHF RFID chip, first you need to understand that UHF RFID chip have 3 or 4 different memory bank/ memory room/ memory sector available in the chip. Refer to picture below to explain to you the partition of UHF RFID memory.

This 4-memory bank got their individual name:
1st memory bank name as Tag Identification or TID. This bank is used by chip manufacturers to put in their no repeating Tag ID number. The size of this memory bank is 96bit, or if you convert to decimal, it has total of 79’228’162’514’264’337’593’543’950’335 digit. This means that in the world can have no duplicate of around Seventy-nine quattuordecillion pieces of UHF RFID chip exist.

2nd memory bank name as Reserved Memory. This memory bank is used to keep the password to write or to kill the UPC or User memory. The size of this memory is 64bit which 32 bit is password to write + 32 bit is password to kill the chip. If you activate the write password, then you must have password only can write.

3rd memory bank name as Electronic Product Code (EPC) memory. This memory bank is used by users to their own data write into UHF RFID chip. The size of this memory is commonly 96bit.

4th memory bank name as user memory. This memory bank may or may not exist in all the chips. Depending on your selection of chips. For cost reasons, just select the 0-bit memory chip if you do not use it. Else if you have a budget, you may select up to maximum 640bit size memory chips. The user memory merges together with EPC memory in order to make the EPC storage bigger.

What is the next thing you need know after you understand the memory bank available in the UHF RFID card? It is the time to get to know the brand and model of the chip as well as the specification for each chip model. Example of the popular chip model with their memory allocation.

NXP UCode 9xm:
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC+user memory = 128bits + 752bits or 256bits + 624bits or 496 bits + 384bits
NXP UCode 8:
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC= 128 bits
User memory =0
NXP UCode 7xm:
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC+user memory = 448 bits + 2048 bits
Impinj Monza R6
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC = 96 bits
user memory = 0
Impinj Monza R6-P
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC+user memory = 96bits + 64 bits or 128bits + 32bits
Impinj M781
Tag Identification =96bit
Reserve Memory = 64bit
EPC = 128 bits
User memory = 512bits 

by: pang

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