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Hand and finger protection on moulding and cutting machine, why it is important and how to do it?


The aim is to prevent operator hands from being squashed during the final product stacking process. In addition, the solution must not interfere with the manufacturing process. This accident is not recoverable, it can not happen and should not happen even have the chance of 0.001% in the manufacturing environment. The important of the prevention is make sure it will never happen in your factory.

What is the impact if the accident happen?
It will cause more than what you counted if accident happen on the working environment. Losing productivity time, losing capable worker and losing confident of your worker to your working environment is a big lose to the organisation. Prevent it rather than let it happen on your organisation. Toward 0 case accident in the working environment to make your environment worker friendly.

How to do it?
With the minimum investment start from RM8’000, now you can have a custom safety protection for your worker. ALC safety team give you the hand protection solution by make use with Datalogic complete safety light curtain devices, interfacing with your existing machine. Added with physical protection layer to give your worker safer working environment. No more hand cut, finger cut, hospitalised, production down accident happen on your working environment. Let us help you to create better manufacturing environment.

by: pang

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