Price checking in minimarket and supermarket make simple with Autotrack On Demand Price Checker
 Retail pricing display is a compulsory facility to be follow by all the retailer in Malaysia and Singapore. Consumer have the 100% right to know the price of every item display on the shelf at the supermarket or in the shop they are visit. Autotrack understand this necessary in retail market that why we develop our latest fully integrated solution for price checking in Malaysia and Singapore. Autotrack On demand cater for most of the point of sales system in the market include Autocount P.O.S., Smart P.O.S., SAGE P.O.S., Microsoft Dynamic RMS and any other customised type of P.O.S. system. Our autotrack team enhance from time to time the market feedback on the price checking requirement as well as in house promotion purposes. We will try enhancing our price checking solution from time to time to cater for customer requirement feedback. Current Autotrack On demand Price Checking come with 2 feature in the price checker, the left hand part of the price checker allow customer to check the price and the shelf of the product located. It not only can be used by the customer to check the price of the product, it also help the shopkeeper to relocate back the item misplace by the customer at the end of the daily operation.
At the right hand site of the price checker, Autotrack allocate a space for the customer to display their product advertisement or season greeting movie to promote their hot selling or latest promotion product.

We know the complication of managing the product information and advertisement purpose, That why autotrack On Demand price checking solution design the software by using web-base architecture, the customer just need to open the browser then they can manage their latest pricing and latest advertisement to be show on the price checker. And thank to our mobilecomm software, the price checker solution also have the instant price update once you update your P.O.S. solution.
 Autotrack On demand Price Checking solution is fully tested with Zebra CC5000 series price checker (Customer Concierge) and also newland NQuire100 micro kiosk. Call us sales agent now to see our demo to make your price checking solution on your retail shop wall tomorrow.
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