Solutions : Time Management System with Atutotrack ADMS :
Autotrack ADMS have been develop for the purpose to manage multi-branches Time recorder system via either VPN, LAN or WAN (Public Internet). It is a server program to continuous monitor and sync between each individual time recorder. Connection between time recorder can via hard cable (LAN), wireless (GRPS) or manual transfer (USB thumb drive). Once the user register at any of the device within ADMS network, the user finger print will be online real-time transfer to the server and save and backup in the server. At the same time, the finger print template will be distribute to all the device within the network.
Case Example :
New Staff a join a multinational organization a with HW at Singapore, on the first date of joining, HR personnel will enroll the user fingerprint into the clock machine located at HQ Singapore. The next minute after enrollment, staff a finger print template will be distribute to all the branches located at difference country. On the next day staff a come to work at new office which is located at Jakarta, Indonesia, he will able to work his own attendance at Jakarta Time recorder machine. HR personnel who are sitting at HQ Singapore also able to see his attendance immediate he mark attendance at Jakarta, Indonesia.

Autotrack ADMS (Automatic Data Master Server) allows user to : Remotely monitor and manage hundreds of T & A terminals under complex network condition (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN) Manage personnel information & the collected data at server. Automatically transfer all data collected from terminals to the server. Support all market-leading databases including Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and many others. Remotely monitor the real time operation log of the terminal. Remotely manage a terminal's firmware including upgrading/uploading personnel information/backing up data, deleting records, and accessing operation records of terminals.
Requirement :
To setup our ADMS (Webcomm-Automatic Data Master Server) you need below requirement.
1. A physical machine or virtual machine with Microsoft serve 32 or 64 bits
2. Microsoft SQL Server
3. Internet Information Services (IIS)
4. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
5. Static Public IP address with open port forwarding WWW (Port 80) mapping to WebComm server {Ignore if using VPN tunnel between HQ across to all the branches}
6. DNS for WebComm server for easy access instead to remember the IP address (
Hardware :
Ensure all the network point for the fingerprint machine is connected to the local network with Internet access or VPN tunneling back to WebComm server.
PC System Requirement
32-bit or 64-bit version of:
Windows 8
Windows 7 Professional
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008
750 MHz of faster processor (2 GHz recommended)
1 GB RAM minimum (2 GB recommended)
10 GB of available disk space
Minimum USB drive for installation