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6 common type of UHF RFID antenna available in the Malaysia market, which is suitable for your application?

In the RFID market, manufacturers will design the tag by considering 2 main factors, 1st is the chip memory and 2nd will be the tag antenna based on the different applications. We commonly found that 6 different types of antennas were available for your selection based on your application demand.

1. Dipole antennas
This is the most used UHF RFID tag in the market, the signal is linear from the tag to reader, due to this characteristic, it can make the signal consistent and stable. The common reading range can be from few cm to maximum 10meter. The size of the dipole UHF tag antenna normally will not more than 9.6cm x 1.3cm

2. Omni antenna or circularly polarized antennas
Omni antennas carry characteristics of strong signal broadcasting in omni direction toward the reader, the size of the antenna relatively big compared to the dipole antenna. The reading range can be from a few cm to a maximum of 8 meters. The size of the Omni UHF tag antenna normally will be around 10cm x 10cm or smaller.

3. Near field Antenna
Near field Antenna used for the application required close contact reading, the size of the antenna relatively small compared to all other antennas. The reading range can normally up to not more than 50cm. The size of the Near field Antenna normally will not more than 1.5cm x 1.5cm.

4. Hybrid near far antenna
This antenna is slightly bigger than near field antenna and has a slightly longer reading range compared to near field antenna. The reading range can normally be up to not more than 3meter. The common size of the Hybrid near far antenna normally is around 5cm x 2.5cm.

5. High gain antenna
As per antenna name, high gain antenna offers strong reading signal sometime more than 10meter ++ distance, this is why the high gain antenna normally use for difficult to read situation like near to liquid or metal applications. The common size of the high gain Antenna normally is around 10cm x 4cm.

6. On metal antenna
As per name descripted, this antenna design specifically targets on the metal item identification, in between the antenna and the sticking object, this antenna is buffered with the insulation layer to reflect the radio frequency signal so it can perform ideally on the metal object. The reading distance of on metal antenna can be from few cm up to 5 meter and the common size of the antenna normally not more than 10cm x 10cm.

For sure it has more name and designs of UHF RFID tag antenna in the market, with the increase of applications demand, manufacturer will able to tailor made the tag and antenna base on the demand in the market.

by: pang

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