Autotrack on demand Mobile invoicing is an accounting document from a supplier to customer with the information regards the goods or services billed, the main information in the Mobile invoicing is the pricing and taxes involve. Autotrack on demand Mobile invoicing help on listing of complete goods with value to be sent to the customer from supplier. Usually the written order permits the direct delivery of goods to a warehouse man, carrier or other person who in the course of their ordinary business issues warehouse receipts or bills of lading. Before the invoice created, an ordering instruction will be generated by the ordering parties (Customer/Sales Personnel) via the sales order module. Every company has their own way to generate their invoice, transfer from Quotation, Delivery Order, and transfer from Sales order and so on. Transferring of document, picking up of goods will be the daily repeating task for stock picker. Routine and repeating task will cause the mistake happen without any intention, double check, triple check, multiple checks is already routines for everyone, but the mistake still happened. To minimize the mistake from 1% to 0.01% from your yearly revenue will be our target for Autotrack on demand Mobile invoicing solution. Double data entry will bring to customer the most critical mistake after an offline invoice generated by the agent.
Online or Offline invoicing
Simplify invoicing and no double entry
Online alert for user
Shorten invoicing time and increase efficiency
Lesser stock mistake and loss and mistake
Wireless printing process.
Scan and invoice
ODBC interfacing with 3rd parties software (Mobilecomm Required)
Text File Integration