Evolis provides a whole range of marketing tools dedicated to the Price Tags application. With the latest ID card printing technology now available in Malaysia and Singapore. we offer you the complete solution for store owner in order to improve their store presentation to the customer who step into their shop.
The range of tools focus on a broad spectrum of profiles: butcher, delicatessen, bakery, florist, caterer. By using the latest plastic card printing technology, business owner can save cost in putting their price tag on every item in their shop.
Price tag for butcher

Print price tag to clear picture explanation, this able to enhance your brand image, increase your efficiency and turnover with price tags printed on plastic cards. Use Evolis printers to issue your price tags
Instant and on-demand issuance according to your needs
High-quality eye-catching shelves
Personalization with your logos and designs
Resistant and hygienic PVC cards, ideal size
Easy to use printers
Price tag to delicatessen or food store owner


A highly professional appearance of your display stands to present the foods you are selling indirectly increase the value of your foods. We are helping you in customization of your price tags:
Creation of your own designs and use of your own logos
Focus on whichever features you wish: price, product origin, etc.
Professional appearance on your display stands:
Eye-catching shelves for your customers
Key differentiation factor towards your competitors
Advertisement of your promotions and new products directly on your price tags