How to start barcode stocktake by using Autotrack On Demand Stock Take? Stock take is actually so simple.

1. Go to home page and Click the Location page from the dashboard and navigate to Location page.
2. Click 'New' button and enter store id in Location text field and enter client PC name in Host Name text filed and click update.
3. Go to home page and Click the Item Import page from the dashboard and navigate to item import page.
4. After navigating choose the type of import eg:Excel, Text or JSON.

Excel Import.
5. If you select Excel type then browse the excel file to import by clicking browse button .
6. After selecting file your file will be displayed in the Import file table below. Next need to select the sheet that need to import.
7. Click the 'edit' button from the table there you can select the sheet from the drop down and click 'OK'.
8. Next from Source Column mapping table need to map the field name with excel file field. The parameter '@ItemCode' must be mapped manadatory and for the parameter '@Location' will take default value as 'HQ' if you need to import the store id as location then you need to click edit and make the Default value from 'HQ' and make empty field and clcik update . After mapping needed fields click 'Import Data' button at bottom.
Text Import.
9. If you select Text File type then browse the .txt file to import by clicking browse button .
10. Here we can set Delimeter,Fix length or Select row of the text file .
11. Next from Source Column mapping table need to map the field name with excel file field. The parameter '@ItemCode' must be mapped manadatory for the parameter '@Location' will take default value as 'HQ' if you need to import the store id as location then you need to click edit and make the Default value from 'HQ' and make empty field and clcik update . After mapping needed fields click 'Import Data' button at bottom.

JSON Import.
12. If you select JSON File type then Fill the webservcice URL,Webservice name and SOAP action and click 'Find service' button .
13. After finding you will get the list if service from that URL in the dropdown list .
14. Choose the service needed and click 'Add Parameter' button and you will populated few text fields based on that.
15. Fill the text boxes and click 'Get Service' button to pull the data from service .
16. Next from Source Column mapping table need to map the field name with excel file field. The parameter '@ItemCode' must be mapped manadatory for the parameter '@Location' will take default value as 'HQ' if you need to import the store id as location then you need to click edit and make the Default value from 'HQ' and make empty field and clcik update . After mapping needed fields click 'Import Data' button at bottom.

17. You will find a options above the Source Column mapping table.
18. You will find a option 'Delete all' this is to delete the previous imported item and import fresh items(This is optional).
19. You will find other option like 'PreCheck Data Before Import' this will check weather the item exists already if exists then it will updata that particular item.
20. You will find other option like 'Skip PreCheck' this will not check weather the item exists already or not.
21. Either one of the option to be selected from the above 2 options(Manadatory).
22. To check weather the items are imported or not by navigating Item Listing page from home page you can click 'Item Listing' page or by navigating from menu StockTake > Stock Take Item Master Listing.

by: pang

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