How you can do warranty management for your asset or equipment with Autotrack Enterprise Asset equipment Tracking Solution.
Autotrack team understand your requirement on warranty tracking, maintenance contract and license expire date tracking for the valuable device you purchase to help you in your work. This is why we introduce you the fine tune Asset tracking solution targeting for the warranty tracking purpose. Enhance from the existing Autotrack Professional Asset Tracking solution, Autotrack Enterprise Asset Tracking give you the more detail information about the asset you purchase, the date of enquiry, the date of warranty, the date of routine checking need to be perform for your asset. In this article, asset can be equivalent as equipment depend on user definition.
How to use Autotrack Enterprise Asset Tracking for warranty tracking?
Our team with previous experience simplify the need for asset tracking process flow for warranty tracking purposes. We simplify the tracking process to below few steps.
Step 1 - Asset master registration and labeling - with the complete integrated labeling machine with Autotrack, the asset registration become as simple as 1, 2, 3. User just need to enter the product description, and press the print button, the asset sticker will be printed directly via the recommended label printer. For more valuable asset, Autotrack team recommended laser marking which can be fully integrated with Autotrack to directly mark the asset identity on the asset itself.
Step 2 - Allocation of the asset to it predefined location, thanks to the advancement of wireless mobile technology, Autotrack now can immediately update the asset location to the server with the present of 3G, 4G or even 5G communication. For sure in order to achieve this, customer need to invest on the mobile device which equipped with the latest communication capability. Make sure you double confirm with your sales agent before you invest a device. Thanks to the advancement of barcode reading capability, the allocation just need to scan to verify the present of the asset.
Step 3 - Warranty claim and tracking, thanks for the mobile device and publish web autotrack, it is not possible to carry the device need to claim warranty back to the main office, the person in charge just need to carry along the light weight portable mobile computer, login to the autotrack website, scan in the asset identity barcode, then you are ready to deliver the warranty item back to the service center to repair your faulty device. Everything is track with Autotrack.
Step 3.5 - Automatic email alert, this is a automatic process without user interference, the user just need to enable this feature in Autotrack Enterprise Asset Tracking, the email alert will be send to the respective person in charge to inform him/her the warranty item have been send for warranty claim.
Step 4 - Once the warranty claim finish and deliver your asset back to allocated location, Autotrack team required the auditor to audit the return of the device by just scanning the barcode identity on the asset. Now the warranty asset confirm back to it allocated location. Same as warranty claim process, return after warranty claim also will allow email notification to be send to asset administrator.
Step 5 - Routine check on the Asset which required periodically checking by the supplier, the clear colour indicator show on the asset master alert user it is time to send the asset for warranty adjustment or servicing.
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