What make you to select Bartender enterprise and not Automation edition, consider below 8 factors
If you operation need below 8 function, choose bartender enterprise in stead of Automation edition.
 1. Printer failover - Automatically redirect to another printer in the event of printer failure 2. Centralized role-based permission management - Centrally manage user and group roles for printing and management features. 3. Centralized document storage - Track and manage the entire organization's label templates in one place. 4. Template files and revision control - Manage revisions across the organization - roll out changes in an instant to all
users. 5. Optimized label design workflows - Define design and publishing workflows to enable management and traceability
including web-based Print Portal support. 6. Define workflow team - Increase team accountability during the label revision and publishing process. 7. Workflow Designer - Speed up label design, review and production process with drag and drop visual Workflow Designer. 8. System audit trail - Review history of print jobs, document changes, electronic signatures and user actions.