Compare between Datalogic QD2500 and QW2500 series scanner in term of specification.

Which barcode scanner you should select for your retail POS counter scanning purpose, QW2500 or QD2500 scanner.

 OutlookSame as QD2500 Same as QW2500 
 Camera Sensor VGA (640 x 480 pixels) 1 Megapixel (1280 x 800 pixels) 
 Digimarc Reading  NoYes 
 Aiming pointer Blue dot2 blue triangle 
 InterfaceUSB only  Multi-Interface 
 Colour Black OnlySelect either black or white 
 20mil QR Code Reading Range 1.0 to 33.0 cm 0 to 37.0 cm 

Side by side photo without stand:

by: pang
