What AGen can do for you and how you can construct a solution for your customer?
 Below function you will be able to get it if you are using AGen for your data collection application.- Auto running number for label printing.
- Auto date time function to allow you to add in Auto column to your application include label.
- Connect to excel file with auto import function.
- Connect to excel file with manual import function.
- Convert mobile Phone to become Barcode scanner and display data at more than 20 PC concurrently.
- Customized report for individual customer base on their individual requirement
- Delete Existing Record using SQL script
- Mobile Phone and tablet online status view and data management
- Printing from Car Radio to your mobile or fix printer
- Printing via Android TV box to mobile printer or fix printer
- Printing via Bluetooth connection.
- Printing via network goes through AGen server.
- Printing via Wi-Fi connection directly from mobile to printer without AGen server
- Read record from existing table, show the picture on the camera box and print out as picture
- Server printing with folder monitoring capability
- Take picture and print via Wi-Fi with ZPL language
- Take pictures and store them on the server for better recording.
- WhatsApp preset message to your targeted mobile number.
- Capture 2D barcode, split it to individual text field column, extra part of the data and appear on PC
- Support different printer languages include ZPL, CPCL, ESC POS, EPL, DPL label or barcode or mobile printer.
- Support directly printing to A4 inject Epson printer.
- Allow data editing on mobile with condition the device set to be offline from server.
- Allow padding printing records and quantity of label to be printed.
- Allow automatically convert text character to small capital or big capital letter.
- Allow only number to be enter into the text field
- Allow to edit imported excel file.